Why should you read this?

I don't know. I'm just an average person with questions and thoughts about those questions. Kind of a female Andy Rooney I would think. I hope I have both wisdom and humor. One thing I don't have is great spelling skills so pardon any spelling errors if you would. I do belive in God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit the Comforter. If you are offened by refferences to these you most likely won't want to read this blog. Have a great day until next time ...

Sun Rise on the Farm

Sun Rise on the Farm
Fog and Sun with Halo

Sunset on the farm o8

Sunset on the farm o8
No one paints a picture like God

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

This can not B ... my son's wedding day

December 19 2009 Affectionally known as the Blizzard of 09 my son's wedding day. This can not B ... is what ran through my head when I looked out my bedroom window at 6:30 AM. Snow everywhere. Not just a little dusting of snow but about 14 inches of beautiful snow. by 8 AM I am starting the bobcat after helping Jose clean out the barn and close the stall doors on the windward side of the barn, filling water buckets and feeding stunned horses. The snow was relatively easy to move I made one pass up the paved driveway pushing snow off to the sides here and there. Pushed the snow across the street into the evergreens then started down the potholed dirt road. One half mile of 18 inch deep snow the wind is blowing in my face and my hands are getting cold. Ok I pushed one narrow path down the road and across the main road (still not plowed) into a ditch. Turn around and go back pushing the snow off to the side making another path but filling in some of the one I just plowed. Now the wind is really blowing directly into my face. Oh my This can not B ... I have to get out of here so I can help my son and his friends get to the wedding in my 4 wheel drive truck. I get back to my driveway and turn around again and make another path clearing what had spilled back on to the first path. Across the road with the snow (still no plow) and turn around to go back home. My fingers are stinging from the cold as well as my face. I'm getting dizzy and feeling sick to my stomach. 2 hours have gone by and I'm back to the house but I feel so bad I can not get off the bobcat. Jose is still out there shoveling out what I couldn't get with the bobcat and he sees that I'm in trouble. He comes over and helps me off the bob cat and into the house saying Oh No Miss Bonnie Oh No all the time. I get in the house shed my boots by the door and inch my way up to my bedroom and bathroom. I feel like I might faint. I take off all the wet clothes and lay on the bed under the covers but my hands hurt to much to rest and my stomach aches to much to lay there. I get up go to the sink and run cold water over my hands. The water feels warm but my hands still hurt and sting. My feet are good those Columbia Brand boots I bought last year on sale are great. It is now 10:30 AM I am no longer dizzy or woozy but I'm still cold and I want to go back to bed. The phone rings ... MOM can you bring your truck here right away? We need it to get to the church so we can help the florist get into the church. The plows have not showed up to plow the parking lot and we are going to have to carry the flowers into the church by foot.

This can not B ... but it is. I throw all the things I need to wear into a dirty truck (the car is spotless)plus stuff for my granddaughter and myself for that night and next day in case we don't make it home (which we didn't). Oh no, there is 18 inches of snow on the truck. Get the brooms out and brush off the snow and start the truck to warm it up. I need to eat but there is no time. Jose wishes me well and off I go. What normally would take 15 minutes takes 1 hour but I made it. Now this is just the beginning of an amazing day. More tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. The picture of the driveway was the day after the wedding. The picture of the truck was the day of the wedding before we cleaned it off.
