Why should you read this?

I don't know. I'm just an average person with questions and thoughts about those questions. Kind of a female Andy Rooney I would think. I hope I have both wisdom and humor. One thing I don't have is great spelling skills so pardon any spelling errors if you would. I do belive in God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit the Comforter. If you are offened by refferences to these you most likely won't want to read this blog. Have a great day until next time ...

Sun Rise on the Farm

Sun Rise on the Farm
Fog and Sun with Halo

Sunset on the farm o8

Sunset on the farm o8
No one paints a picture like God

Sunday, January 10, 2010

This can not B

I've been out of sorts emotionally this holiday season. The loss of my husband and the addition of a new daughter in law have made it more difficult than I had anticipated. But I would like to continue the story of my son's wedding from my prospective before I forget the details.

So let's see where did I leave off. Oh yes we are getting dressed this is going very well, everyone seems to be getting put together nicely and the bride is in her dress. I walk down the hall and check on the groom who if I must say looks very handsome in his tux. The best man turned from a very small kid that I thought a strong wind would blow away to this tall substantial man. They do grow up and with God's help become the men and women you pray for. The photographer is trying to get pictures taken before the wedding so that there will be less time spent after the ceremony at the church taking endless pictures. I get to watch both the grooms pictures with his attendants and the brides with her attendants. My granddaughter is the Junior Bridesmaid and is just awed by the commotion and flurry of activity.
Everyone seems to be here that is going to be here. Tears are flowing ... my niece whose son is the junior groomsman has tears of joy and pride, the mother of the bride her first wedding as mother of the bride, surprisingly to me her grandfather is holding back tears or at least trying to (he is such a tough appearing kind of older gentleman as a rule). I do miss my husband being there and the thought of him not here makes me tear up a little but I'm ok with my sons choice so I'm happy.

I see the pastor telling them to put God first in their marriage and that they need to honor each other all the usual things and I see them standing there nodding their heads in agreement and I say a little prayer that they are absorbing every word. My granddaughter seems to be taking in every detail and standing almost completely still which is hard for a hyper active little girl. She makes up for it at the reception with joy abundantly.

Well that is enough for now. I'll finish up soon I hope... This can not B 4:21 AM can it ...